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A nice, short creepy game. I liked it. 👍

Great game! I din´t expect that final :O

Decent little game! It ran okay, but I think double dipping the ending jumpscare was a little much. You may also want to be careful making a game this dark then packing on a really aggressive filter on top of it, I had a hard time seeing stuff.

All that being said, it had some good spooks, nice atmosphere, and I did have a fun time with it. Good work, hope you keep on making games and expanding your skills!

Interesting game

Never drive at nigth alone this game driving aroud being able to get out whereever added to the creep factor I think I broke the game a few times but the ending was solid .

i could smell the demon's breath through the screen it was so close lol good game 


played it, very neat game man :)

muito bom!

attempting to download the game yet it doesnt download? it finished downloading, then returns to "install" rather than installed.

I don't have a clue. Its maybe something wrong on itch...

on the itch application, definitely. i decided to try downloading through the web browser and that worked, so I got around to playing it, neat game man. got any plans to make any longer games?

Thanks man, I will probably make one next year bcs of my studies. Thanks for asking

sounds good, ill be sure to keep a lookout in the future :)



It was short but good

when i downloaded it, it wouldnt let me open the file at all

same thing happened to me

The game is really cool, I just think there should be more interaction with the creature, but the scares are really cool.

Those jumpscares were brutal, but it was still a fun game! 

good game!

My bad driving skills aside, this game really triggered my paranoia, I hate not being able to check if there's something or someone in the other car seats and finally, my fears were proven right XD. There isn't much anticipation or suspense being built here, so it could have used a bit more atmosphere and sounds to really get the player to be tense, but if you're paranoid like me, this game will probably get to you regardless. Good job overall. Your game starts at 18:07 if you want to check it out (ignore the yawning, I'd just woken up lol)

Muy buen juego, me ha gustado, tiene un par de buenos sustos, lo que si que veo es que el juego es algo oscuro en el susto del coche, todo lo demás está genial, el argumento es muy bueno, muchas gracias por compartir el juego, aquí dejo el vídeo que he hecho en español, saludos!!!
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Nice game. I crashed a lot. Im not a very good driver

good, very dark, :D

Pretty nice game

very good atmosphere !  just need some more story ;)

cool car. vid starts at 6:30

Short but not bad at all for what this was! Made a video on it.

Nice short game! Maybe you can add a flashlight and make the game brighter next time. Looking forward to your next project... :)

Buen juego me gusto mucho

Really enjoyed playing through your game!! :)

Good game

Fun little game my dude! I enjoyed the little trip, I was not expecting that ending. The only thing I would say is make the headlights a little brighter. I enjoyed and recommend completely! Here is my gameplay video! Sub and help my channel grow everyone! :)
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Nice this was very good short game I like it looking forward more your new  game in future anyway well done keep it up!

Thanks, I will continue!